Wednesday, June 13, 2007

The morning after

Where do I start, I know my nights sleep. I went to bed after meds and had a restless night I think that was due to worrying about the sides and not the sides giving me grief. I woke this morning and was really cold and shivering, I had some paracetamol and got dressed and then it was really weird it was like turning a light on I came over all hot and sweaty so much so I had to change my shirt. By this stage of the morning about 8.30am I felt ok a bit achey but ok so I went to work. I took my riba about 10.30am along with some paracetamol and I still didnt feel to bad so I carried on working all day. When I finished work and still now I feel quite sick and I ache like hell mainly my legs.
Lisa my better half cooked a roast for me tonight we sat down to eat I had two mouthfulls and was gagging I ran upstairs but was not sick. Is this normal? and the aching legs is this normal? Answers on a post card please!
I off now speak tomorrow.


Jayne - Steve's Big Sister said...

Hi Bruv

Just to let you know we are here for you, like we have already said if there is anything we can do to help you just let us know. You are being really brave and i really hope it all works out for you.

Lots of love your big sister (fugley) - Steve's pet name for me he reckons its a cross between fat and x x x x

Jason Paul Tolmie said...

Hi Steve...I'm afraid it is normal but you should begin to feel a little better a few days after each injection. And gradually you might not feel much of any side effects as time goes is possible. I lost my appetite at the beginning too and had to force myself to eat stuff...anything that meant I was keeping the weight up. I went to fast food joints because I found I could only eat burgers and fries for a while and drinking fruit smoothies...but then after several weeks my appetite came back and I got into eating normally again. The sweats and restlessness, feeling cold & shivvery is all normal and will hopefully go away soon...after a few weeks. You will probably find that you get out of breath much easier than you used to also and is nothing to worry about. You got to be patient and realise that it is the drugs working and killing the virus which is making you feel like this. Keep doing what you're doing by taking the paracetamol before your injections and through the night at your prescribed dose. And also do as Martin said on the forum and take you Riba at the same time as meals or at least with a pot of yoghurt or similar food as this will help tremendously with any ill effects you feel from taking them on an empty stomach. And it will also help the Riba work better too.

Take care


Nikki-94-x said...

Heya dad x

Hope all the treatment goes alright.

Anyone else on the treatment hope it goes alright!!

Love u dada xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx