Hello everyone in blog world, I have neglected my blog really badly for the last few months. My last post was injection number 5, well I am now on injection number 23 of 24 and I do number 24 on monday night. I have had a rough time during TX but a lot better than some people I have spoke 2.
I am having a little blog re-design at the minute so it might look a bit strange untill I get it how I want.
Speek soon
Saturday, November 17, 2007
Wednesday, July 11, 2007
Injection 5 and eyes

Hi all, Injection 5 went fine last night no problems at all apart from the usual feeling down, I have been looking forward to going to London for the public enquiry but again I am worried about my eyes, I woke this morning and could hardly open them (I am putting a picture above), after a while they settled down a bit they have been agony all day and I dont really trust them to drive to London tomorrow. Has anyone heard of this or seen this before. I look forward to your responces. Steve. PS these are NOT what my eyes normaly look like!
Wednesday, July 04, 2007
Injection Number 4
I had my forth Interferon jab last night, I didnt go to well it was quite painfull and bled a little, but its gone and out of the way I slept well and worked all day today. I have kept the empty box as a sort of landmark, one down 5 to go. I get my next meds monday morning.
Thursday, June 28, 2007
As some of you may be aware I am in my third week of treatment, when I got my pre treatment blood results it showed that I was genotype 2b when I have always been told that I was Genotype 1a. I was last tested in 2001 and that showed that I was Genotype 1a but my nurse told me that back then the tests were unreliable, anyway she done another genotype test last week and she phoned me with the results today, I AM GENOTYPE 2B, when she told me I nearly bloody cried I am so happy, I cant really explain how I feel all you heppers will have a good idea though. My treatment has been cut to 24 weeks . I had a tub of 48 marbles and one tub with 3 marbles in, I put one in the other after each jab someone else done this a while ago just to help her get through it, anyway I took 24 marbles out today god that felt good. I am so happy I just want to tell everybody. Just one thing, how many people are doing 48 weeks when they don't need to? Makes you wonder don't it? God bless the NHS. I put off treatment for 5 years because I didn't think I could do 48 weeks. I could have been clear by now! Why cant they get it right? Why wasn't I tested for 6 years if they knew the blood tests were not reliable? Just a few questions for my consultant when I next see him. I am so happy and I wish everyone was as fortunate as me, I wish us all rid of this virus. Steve
Wednesday, June 27, 2007
# Injection 3
I done Interferon number 3 last night much the same as last week really. I was so fed up afterwards I just went to sleep, felt ok this morning just washed out. I still do not know which Genotype I am still waiting for my blood results.
Wednesday, June 20, 2007
# Injection 2
I took my second Interferon jab last night, I dont know why but soon after the Jab I feel really down and p"£$£d off, I feel like I just want to be alone is this normal? I felt ok today just a bit washed out if thats the right word. Just a short post tonight I feel quite tired.
Tuesday, June 19, 2007
Genotype 1 2 or 3 or all?
Hi, I had an ok weekend I felt a bit bad but worked through it. I have got injection number 2 tonight deep joy.
I went to hospital for some blood tests today, while I was there my nurse got my pre treatment blood results up on her pc. Picture this scene ( you just cant make this shit up ) she cliked on my blood results and it showed I was Genotype 2b, I have been told since I was diagnosed that I was Genotype 1 and my last blood test was in 2001. My nurse told me that the blood test results back then were very unreliable so I could be Genotype 2 and not 1. BUT! Yes there is always a but, because I had so much factor 8 back then I could have multiple infection. I handed over some more of the red stuff so they can do another Genotype test. FINGERS CROSSED. I phoned Martin B and asked his advice and he was very positive and said test are rarely wrong these days so I could be Genotype 2 and as we all know I may stand more chance of clearing the virus in a shorter time. Here's hoping ;-)
I went to hospital for some blood tests today, while I was there my nurse got my pre treatment blood results up on her pc. Picture this scene ( you just cant make this shit up ) she cliked on my blood results and it showed I was Genotype 2b, I have been told since I was diagnosed that I was Genotype 1 and my last blood test was in 2001. My nurse told me that the blood test results back then were very unreliable so I could be Genotype 2 and not 1. BUT! Yes there is always a but, because I had so much factor 8 back then I could have multiple infection. I handed over some more of the red stuff so they can do another Genotype test. FINGERS CROSSED. I phoned Martin B and asked his advice and he was very positive and said test are rarely wrong these days so I could be Genotype 2 and as we all know I may stand more chance of clearing the virus in a shorter time. Here's hoping ;-)
Friday, June 15, 2007
Me again, well today has been my worst day so far, I didnt sleep well last night only a few restless hours which is why I feel so shit today. I tried to work all day today but couldnt manage it ive felt really washed out achy just really drained, but so far I can cope with it. I told one of the guys at work today about my haemophilia and hep c, he is responsible for the firm I work for so he really needed to know, I think I shocked him a bit but he was really good and told me to take as much time off as I needed with no questions about where I am. Cheers Bob.
I am going to take my Ribavirin now and go to bed. See ya.
I am going to take my Ribavirin now and go to bed. See ya.
Thursday, June 14, 2007
Rough mornings
Hi all what a day, I woke up this morning with a bit of a stomach ache, I have found I feel rough in the mornings but as the day goes on I feel better. I worked all day again today apart from about 30 minutes when I went home for a sit down because I felt a bit ill.
As you know I am a cab driver and today I done a job for a friend of mine, it was to pick up a lady with downs syndrome from a day centre and take her home. I really felt that my problems were nowhere as bad has hers and I should count my blessings. There is always someone worse off than you!
A note to Jason and Ross
Unfortunatly I am not going to go to the enquiry tomorrow I dont know how im going to feel in the morning and I would have to get up early because I am about 2 hours away from London, I will travel down the night before for the next hearing. Sorry to let you down.
As you know I am a cab driver and today I done a job for a friend of mine, it was to pick up a lady with downs syndrome from a day centre and take her home. I really felt that my problems were nowhere as bad has hers and I should count my blessings. There is always someone worse off than you!
A note to Jason and Ross
Unfortunatly I am not going to go to the enquiry tomorrow I dont know how im going to feel in the morning and I would have to get up early because I am about 2 hours away from London, I will travel down the night before for the next hearing. Sorry to let you down.
Wednesday, June 13, 2007
The morning after
Where do I start, I know my nights sleep. I went to bed after meds and had a restless night I think that was due to worrying about the sides and not the sides giving me grief. I woke this morning and was really cold and shivering, I had some paracetamol and got dressed and then it was really weird it was like turning a light on I came over all hot and sweaty so much so I had to change my shirt. By this stage of the morning about 8.30am I felt ok a bit achey but ok so I went to work. I took my riba about 10.30am along with some paracetamol and I still didnt feel to bad so I carried on working all day. When I finished work and still now I feel quite sick and I ache like hell mainly my legs.
Lisa my better half cooked a roast for me tonight we sat down to eat I had two mouthfulls and was gagging I ran upstairs but was not sick. Is this normal? and the aching legs is this normal? Answers on a post card please!
I off now speak tomorrow.
Lisa my better half cooked a roast for me tonight we sat down to eat I had two mouthfulls and was gagging I ran upstairs but was not sick. Is this normal? and the aching legs is this normal? Answers on a post card please!
I off now speak tomorrow.
Tuesday, June 12, 2007
#Injection 1 continued
I done it took my riba and my jab the stomach worked for me. I going now I feel a bit down its all to real now.
# Injection No 1
Hi all I am about to do my first injection and my first pills, I plan to do them about 10pm its 9.25pm now. I have decided to inject myself in the 'Love handles' as recommended by Jae. I am going to get my interferon out the fridge for half an hour and while thats warming up I am going for a long hot bath. I will post again after TX, wish me luck Steve
Monday, June 11, 2007
Oh well less than 24 hours to go before my first injection and pills and to be honest I feel quite positive, this is mainly due to a great deal of support from the Hepatitis C Forum. http://www.hepcukforum.org I am going to post twice tomorrow night once before meds and after to let you know how I got on. I would just like to say a special thankyou to Martin for his kind words and to everyone else on the forum.
Tomorrows coming quick.
Tomorrows coming quick.
Saturday, June 09, 2007
Curry and Family and Cabs
A cab the same as mine.

Friday night nearly midnight and im sitting in front of my laptop eating curry when I should be at work, I have been at work since 8 this morning so I dont feel to guilty. I finished work about 10.30 and went and got a take away curry I asked for a mild one and when I got home and started eating it, well Ghandi's revenge or what that was the hottest curry ive ever had. Anyway I did eat it but I will regret it. I am now munching on poppudoms onion salad and chutney and a glass of wine my last before I start TX.
Before I carry on I would like to say hi to my cousin Darren he has been looking at my blog ive been told. We have not seen eachother for a long time and he has been very unwell hiself recently, I hope your ok now mate and make a full recovery. Daz contact me through my blog if you want a chat mate.
Two days to go before I start the TX *&%£ing hell do I really want to do this?
can any one recommend the best place to inject I dont really fancy the stomach so it will have to be the leg I suppose! Also what is the best angle to go in from? My nurse says 90 degrees but the instructions say 45.
I off now ill try and post sunday because I am working all day tomorrow being a cab driver saturday is my busiest day, and ive got football in the morning.
see ya :-)
Thursday, June 07, 2007
Saturday, June 02, 2007
Hi all its been a very long time there are loads of new hep c bloggers out there and still some of the old. I will make this quick cos im tired and want to go to bed. I have Hep C genotype 1a and was given this little present from the NHS because I suffer from Haemophilia, I start the treatment on 11/06/2007 I will pick up my meds from my nurse on the wednesday, to help me through the tx I will try and post everyday for 48 weeks. I would welcome all comments and advice from anyone who wants to give it really. I am off now and I will post on the 11th. See ya :-)
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